Control of the milling head in a mobile CNC milling unit

Thanks to their robustness and low weight, fiber-reinforced composite materials are increasingly used in the aviation and automotive industries. Maintenance and repair of such components are challenging tasks for
repair shops. The damaged area must be removed layer by layer in order to enable the reconstruction of the laminate layer.
For repair work on airplanes, company SAUER GmbH developed the ULTRASONIC mobileBLOCK, which is
a mobile 5-axis milling unit that enables repairs within just a few minutes. As the component can be damaged anywhere, the surface must be measured before the repair process starts. This is where SAUER relies on sensors from Micro-Epsilon.
In order to avoid collisions, the optoNCDT 1302 laser triangulation sensor
measures the distance from the surface at a measuring range of 200mm. Subsequently, a scanCONTROL laser scanner measures the surface profile. Next, the program for the repair process is generated based on the acquired 3D data.